What are the main parts of the forklift?

Time: 2022-10-26



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The forklift is a small industrial vehicle. There is a dynamic operation of the fork platform connecting to the front, inserting the fork into the goods, which can be improved or reduced and moving. Forklifts meet the needs of various industries, including warehouses and other large storage facilities.

The forklift is motivated by electric batteries or internal combustion engines. Some forklifts allow operators to sit on driving and operating machines, while others require operators to stand for operation. It is widely used in transportation materials and goods in the entire industry.

Let ’s discuss the key components, forklift institutions and applications of forklifts in the forklift in detail.


Forklifts, key parts you need to know

The forklift consists of various components required for effective processing tasks. From the door frame, power source to the weight of the dynamic source, are the necessary conditions for the efficient work of forklifts.

forklift Gate rack

1. Gate rack

The forklift door frame is an important component that constitutes the foundation of the machine. All key components of forklifts, including wheels, weight and masts are connected on the forklift door frame.

forklift Balanced device

2. Balanced device

The balanced device is the cast iron weight connected to the rear of the forklift. The purpose of a balanced device is to balance the load that is raised and not overwhelmed.

On the electric forklift, the balanced device is fixed on the lead -acid battery.

forklift Power supply

3. Power supply

The power source of the forklift is composed of a internal combustion engine. The engine can use liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas, diesel and natural gas as fuel. The power of electric forklift comes from fuel cells or lead -acid batteries.

forklift Frame

4. Frame

The frame is the base of the forklift. The car is fixed on the mast rail to move up and down.

forklift Mast

5. Mast

The mast is a vertical part that can push up the load up and down. The mast component consists of a chain orbit to provide horizontal control. Like frame, mast may be equipped with roller wheels.

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